One of my goals of setting up a blog was to share some useful, fun tutorials with you. This is my first on my blog, I have done other tutorials before for another page I used to write on but it's been a while. I love the wrap bracelets that are so popular these days. They look chic alone and mixed up with other jewelry. But, the "normal" more involved way of making these can take a long time and can be sort of frustrating to make the desired bead stay put between 2 pieces of leather or whatever kind of cording you decide to use. So, I decided to try this easy, effective and equally as pretty way of making the popular bracelet.
Here is what you'll need. Some sort of cord that is durable, I used a waxed nylon cord. Enough beads to go around your wrist, make sure the opening is big enough to fit your cord x2. A pair of scissors, a lighter to singe your cord at the end and a button for closure.
I tend to cut my cord too long, but here I cut a piece that was 60" long and folded it in half.
Now you are going to make a loop at the folded end, use your button as your guide. You want the loop big enough to fit the button but not too big that the button wont stay put..jpg)
Attach the button loop end somewhere secure. I use a simple clip board with a sewing clip I have to hold my cord in place. Take one bead, string one cord through the side.
Now take the other piece of cord and string it through the bead in the opposite direction.

Pull at both strings until the bead is securely at the top.
Repeat with all your beads. If you have a measuring bead board, see how much further you need to go until your desired length. If you do not, just unclip and try it around your wrist and estimate.
When you've gotten to your desired length, tie off the cord to secure the beads.
Attach your button, snip the ends and carefully singe the excess cord with your lighter. Be careful!!! If you are young following this tutorial, please ask for your parents help.
TaDa!!! You've accomplished an inexpensive, fast way to a popular bracelet!
Share your pics of your creations at:
Until next time, my friends, have a creatively fun day!
♡ ąℓexąnʠяą
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