
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Doodle ScrapBooking

I stopped by the craft store the other day and Miss V was looking at the craft books down the scrapbook sticker aisle. She picked up a book about Origami, I picked up a book about doodling.  I flipped through the pages and realized that when I think of scrapbooking I think of incorporating our own artwork into the myriad of pictures we have.

The inspiration of scrapbooking initially started when I saw the movie "Divine Secrets of the YaYa sisterhood."  Though I have always had a love affair with all paper products and I could probably state that my inspiration for scrapbooking started when I was young, it was truly that movie that sparked this desire to create a book that my kids could look back at when they are old and smile at memories they share.  The problem is the task seems so great right now. With digital cameras, printing pictures is just not like it used to be. I have thousands of pictures to weed through, but I suppose babysteps are better than no steps at all.

And so, the journey began this morning.  This first page will be for a scrapbook for my daughters to share.  I plan to make one specific to each of them and then one for my son as well.

In this page I used 2 pictures I felt would bring a sweet memory to them both, added some store bought stickers and bling and then incorporated my own doodling to the page.  What do you think?  I'll share more pages as I progress.

                                                                ♡ ąlexąnʠяą

                                                    page 2......

                                                                    ......... Page 3..........

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